Written by Jonathan Aluzas

Quick Tip: Skip Breakfast If You Want to Stay Fat

The front lines of the battle against weight gain are drawn first thing in the morning.? Remember the old adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?? Well, it’s true, and for a number of reasons.? Still, I can’t tell you how many people I interact with who believe that coffee qualifies as breakfast.? It doesn’t.? And, even worse, these people tend to refuse to believe that their failure to eat breakfast has any negative repercussions.? AND, even after being told about the negative ramifications of skipping breakfast, their responses tend to be something like:

“I’m just not hungry in the morning.”


“I feel sick when I eat breakfast in the morning.”

Fine, but here’s the deal:? Your body NEEDS breakfast, whether you feel like eating it or not.? Here are the facts:

  1. 78% of people who have successfully maintained a weight loss of 30 pounds or more for at least a year report eating breakfast every day, and 90% report that they eat breakfast at least five days a week.
  2. Research shows that women who eat breakfast regularly consume fewer calories daily than women who do not eat breakfast regularly.
  3. Eating early in the day keeps you from “starvation eating” later in the day.
  4. Research suggests that breakfast eaters are leaner than those who skip breakfast.
  5. Skipping breakfast is associated with a FOUR-FOLD increase in the risk of obesity.

Okay, I can go on and on.? The bottom line is:

If you skip breakfast you can pretty much forget about losing weight.

But don’t take my word for it.? Please click on the links below to see what WebMD and the Harvard Medical School have to say about it.



Jonathan Aluzas is the owner of Arena Fitness in Encino, California.