
If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know if you get there?


That’s how it goes, right? Identify a target, take aim and shoot.

But if you don’t have a clear target, you guarantee yourself of missing the shot. In the absence of goals, how do you know if you’re moving in a direction that will make you feel fulfilled, rewarded, BETTER about yourself.

Studies show that people who set, record and actively focus on accomplishing goals are at least 33% more effective than those who don’t (there are studies that show even greater effectiveness, but even if we play it conservatively, 33% is pretty huge!).

Here’s what we’ve learned about progress…

  • It’s important to clearly identify what you want to achieve.
  • It’s important to connect with the underlying reasons that inspire these goals, the emotional drivers.
  • It’s important to outline the action steps you will need to take to be successful.
  • And it’s important to set a date for completion.

Download your worksheets below…

We welcome you to download the FREE WORKSHEETS below that you can use to establish your goals. These are some of the worksheets that we use with our clients in Goals Strategy Meetings to help them dial into not only what’s important, but the WHY that drives those goals.

We recommend posting them in a place where they will be noticeable to you, where they will prompt you to keep your goals top-of-mind.

Take some time with this. It’s important. You can have what you want. You can feel better about yourself. But you have to know what you want and why it matters before you can get it.

And you can start today.

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