Written by Jonathan Aluzas

Just a short one today, folks, and not Earth-shattering.? Just wanted to quickly refer to a recent study that compared the long-term health of two rhesus monkeys; one who was fed a calorie restricted diet, and one who was allowed to eat like a human (i.e., no restrictions and absolutely no self-control).

The results, after 20 years?

The monkey on a calorie restricted diet, Canto, is a healthy stud and was recently rumored to be dating Megan Fox.

One Hot Primate!
Canto: Lady Killer!
Owen: Beehtoven's Brother?
Owen: Beethoven's Brother?

The monkey who ate without restrictions, Owen, looks like Keith Richards would look right after eating Mick Jagger.? In short, he’s a train wreck.

Wow, another study showing that eating a healthy, low calorie diet promotes health.? I can hear the naysayers discrediting it because they were monkeys.? But these naysayers are most likely bellying up to the food line at Hometown Buffet with Owen.

Good Lord!? How many studies do we need to show us that if we eat healthy we’ll live better, longer lives?

Check the article out at https://tinyurl.com/kuhvjk

Jonathan Aluzas is the owner of Arena Fitness, a personal training and fitness center in Encino, California.

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